Wharf42 News
Register for Sydney’s pre-2035 Oceania Summit workshop – Tuesday 10 May
It’s hard to believe that the Australia leg of the pre-2035 Oceania Summit workshops ends in Sydney tomorrow. The last two and a half weeks have been a blast. I’ve had the opportunity to meet a large number of really focused AgriFoodTech and...
Join the Sydney pre-2035 Oceania Summit workshop – 10 May
The Sydney pre-2035 Oceania Summit is designed to bring together New South Wales scientific & research community, its industry leaders, agribusiness & agritech companies, farmers & growers, regulators and policy makers to meet and...
Join the Adelaide pre-2035 Oceania Summit workshop – 3 May
The Adelaide pre-2035 Oceania Summit is designed to bring together South Australia's scientific & research community, its industry leaders, agribusiness & agritech companies, farmers & growers, regulators and policy makers to meet and...
Join the Canberra pre-2035 Oceania Summit Workshop – 27 April
As part of our 2035 Oceania Summit planning, we are delighted to announce the programme for the first pre-Summit workshop. It will take place in Canberra, ACT on Wednesday 27 April 2022. The event will be hosted at the China in the World Building,...
Adelaide announced as host city for evokeAG. 2023
Following on from the success of two sell-out events in 2019 and 2020, evokeAG. organiser AgriFutures Australia, today announced Adelaide as the host city for the internationally acclaimed agrifood tech event slated for 21-22 February 2023 in South...
evokeAG 2022 Sydney Conference – Cancelled
It's with deep regret that AgriFutures Australia has had to announce the cancellation of the 2022 evoke AG. conference in Sydney on 15 March. Whilst it is disappointing that the region's agrifood tech community will not be able to connect in...
Wishing you a Happy and Safe Festive Season
As we wind down for the festive season, it's hard not to reflect on what has been an interesting and at times, a challenging 12 months. Our focus though is on what's to come, rather than what's already happened. For Wharf42, the big news in 2022 is...
The 2035 Oceania Summit delayed to 10-11 October 2022
Given the New Zealand government’s recent announcements around border settings for 2022, we have taken the tough decision to delay the 2035 Oceania Summit to 10-11 October 2022. Given the large number of international delegates expected to attend...
Apply today and join the 2035 Vision Investment Pitch event
Introducing the 2035 Vision Investment Investment Pitch event The 2035 Vision platform has been established to support New Zealand, Australian and Pacific Island AgriFoodTech and ClimateTech start-ups accelerate and scale their solutions to...