Wharf42 News
New Zealand and Australian MOU strengthens Trans-Tasman Agritech Sector
Two days ago, I posted an article to this blog entitled 'Envisioning an APAC AgriFood Hub'. Today, I'm delighted that one of the key building blocks to help make that happen has been signed off by both AgriTechNZ and AusAgritech. The MOU signed by...
Envisioning an APAC AgriFood Hub
Later tonight, I am joining Singapore’s Grow Accelerator and the Royal Agriculture University’s (UK) agritech incubator programme, Farm491, on a 90 minute call. The purpose of the call is to learn more about the upcoming Land & Launch...
Advancing agri-technology is key to delivering the targets set by the Climate Change Commission
Yesterday Wharf42 published an Agriculture Impact Summary of the just released Climate Change Commission Draft Advice for Consultation. Today, we look at the Draft Advice more deeply with specific reference to the approach taken to the impact of...
The Climate Change Commission Draft Advice for Consultation – An Agriculture Impact Summary
On Sunday, the New Zealand Climate Change Commission released their Draft Advice for Consultation. First impressions are this is a well-researched piece of work with much to commend it. Whilst the Executive Summary headlines might appear to be...
Have you entered the 2021 New Zealand Most Innovative Hi-Tech Agritech Solution Category? Applications are open now.
Undoubtedly one of my favourite NZ Tech events of the year. Sadly I missed tonight's Auckland launch at PwC, but that's the price of being based in Tauranga 🙂 If case you missed that post, you can read it here: Living the Tauranga dream. Why we do...
Living the Tauranga dream. Why we do it.
Over the past few years, I’ve been frequently asked, why Tauranga? Why not move to Auckland or Wellington and be closer to the action? With the mercury set to hit 31c today and as New Zealand slowly gets back to work following the extended Xmas /...
Super Early Bird Pricing for the E Tipu 2021 Agri Summit ends 31 January. Save 40% on General Admission prices!
The E Tipu 2021 Boma NZ Agri Summit is slated to be the largest focused agritech event in New Zealand this year. E Tipu 2021 is designed to bring together people who work across New Zealand’s entire food and fibre sector, from the start of the...
Check out the new look evokeAG portal. Looking for NZ agritech content!
AgriFutures Australia has just launched its new look evokeAG portal at www.evokeag.com I’m excited! As a member of the evokeAG steering committee, it’s great to see how the 'product' is developing. We should of course, have been packing our bags...
Your opportunity to connect directly with Western Growers!
Since the beginning of the year, I’ve had the opportunity to speak to and share information with Walt Duflock, Vice President of Innovation, Western Growers and Dennis Donohue, Director of the Western Growers Innovation and Technology Center in...